Flow Cytometry (Paraná)
Fiocruz’s Network Technological Platforms.
The platform contains two analyzing cytometers and a cell sorter. The CytoFLEX LX (Beckman Coulter) has four lasers (405, 488, 561 and 638 nanometers) and the ability to analyze up to 18 parameters, including size and granularity. The BD FACSCanto II has three lasers (405, 488 and 633 nanometers) and the ability to analyze up to 10 parameters, including size and granularity. The BD FACSAria II is a digital flow cytometer and cell sorter with two lasers (488 and 633 nanometers) and capacity for analyzing up to 9 parameters, including size and granularity. The Platform provides data acquisition services for various types of analyses, including immunophenotyping, cell cycle, viability, apoptosis and necrosis, quantification of cytokines, cell proliferation, avaliation of mitochondrial membrane potential, expression of reporter proteins, among others. In addition to offer cell sorter services by flow cytometry.
This platform is located in FIOCRUZ – Paraná.