P3M : Proteomics and Modified Proteins analysis Platform
PAGés-P3M is the glycomic and proteomic plateforme of the UAR (Unité d’Appui et de Recherche) PLBS (Plateformes Lilloises en Biologie & Santé) UMS2014 US41. This plateforme is composed of 2 laboratories, one team (PAGés) at the Cité scientifique and one team (P3M) at the Institute Pasteur de Lille.
P3M offers expertise ranging from the identification of proteomes by nanoLC-MSMS and the use of databases or de novo analysis, to their quantification with or without labeling.
The plateforme develops Thermal Proteome Profiling (TPP) analysis for the identification of interactomes involved in the action of drugs, metabolic pathways, or even modulation of gene expression.
The available equipment also allows the study of post-translational modifications (PTM) of small sizes with or without enrichment, as well as the characterization of protein maturation events.
P3M collaborates with PAGés platform for the specific study of glycosylations at the scale of sugars, glycopeptides and glycoproteins.