Institute units associated with
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Head | Institute | Unit |
Khaoula ABIDI | Pasteur Network | |
Juan Andrés ABIN | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Biopharmaceutical Development Lab |
Akram ABOUEI | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Department of Malaria & Vectors |
Assia ABOUN | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département Microbiologie et Pathologie Vétérinaires - Laboratoire de Bactériologie vétérinaire |
Karima ABOUNOUH | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | |
Radoslav ABRASHEV | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Laboratory of Metabolism And Its Regulation In Micromycetes |
Alidehou Jerrold AGBANKPE | Institut Pasteur de Guinée | Bacteriology Unit |
Mohammad Reza AGHASADEGHI | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Department of Hepatitis, HIV & Blood Borne Viruses |
Fabrice AGOU | Institut Pasteur | Chemogenomic and biological screening platform (PF-CCB) |
Vishu AIMANIANDA | Institut Pasteur | |
Soheila AJDARI | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Department of Immunology |
Andres ALCOVER | Institut Pasteur | Lymphocyte Cell Biology |
Antonio Eugenio ALMEIDA | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | National Institute for Quality Control in Health , INCQS (Rio de Janeiro) |
Pedro ALZARI | Institut Pasteur | Structural Microbiology |
Rogerio AMINO | Institut Pasteur | Malaria Infection and Immunity |
Philippe AMOUYEL | Institut Pasteur de Lille | Risk factors and molecular determinants of diseases linked to ageing, INSERM 1167 , Lille University , CHU Lille , Institut Pasteur de Lille |
Harizaka Emmanuel ANDRIAMASY | Institut Pasteur | |
Tsarasoa Malala ANDRIANINARIVOMANANA | Institut Pasteur | |
Dahbia Leila ANES-BOULAHBAL | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département de Virologie - Laboratoire des entérovirus |
Dang Duc AHN ANH | National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) | |
Nguyen Thi Lan ANH | National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) | Department of Immunology and Molecular Biology |
Fernando ARANZANA-SEISDEDOS | Institut Pasteur | Virus-associated Lymphomagenesis Unit |
Arash ARASHKIA | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Department of Molecular Virology |
Julie ARCAND | INRS-Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie | Centre national de biologie expérimentale |
Benoit ARCANGIOLI | Institut Pasteur | Dynamique du Génome |
Paola ARIMONDO | Institut Pasteur | Departement - Biologie Structurale & Chimie |
Sandrine AROS | Institut Pasteur | Metabolomics core facility |
Hugues ASCHARD | Institut Pasteur | Statistical Genetics |
Mohsen ASOURI | Institut Pasteur in Iran | North Research Center |
Egomli Stanislas ASSOHOUN | Institut Pasteur | |
Paul Jean Adrien ATANGANA | Centre Pasteur du Cameroun | |
Nabila ATTAL | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département d'Immunologie - Laboratoire d'Immunochimie et Neuro-immunologie |
Nathalie AULNER | Institut Pasteur | Photonic BioImaging Platform |
Christiane AYOTTE | INRS-Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie | Laboratoire de contrôle du dopage |
Patricia Cristina B. BELTRÃO BRAGA | Institut Pasteur de São Paulo | Modelisation des maladies du système nerveux |
Hana BABA | Institut Pasteur | |
Fatma BACHI | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département Parasitologie - Laboratoire de biologie parasitaire |
José BADANO | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Molecular and Human Genetics Lab |
Sylvain BAIZE | Institut Pasteur | Biology of viral emerging infections |
Patricia BALDACCI | Institut Pasteur | Center for Production and Infection of Anopheles CEPIA |
Laure BALLY-CUIF | Institut Pasteur | Zebrafish neurogenetics |
Hamid BARAKAT | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | Molecular Human Genetic |
Luis BARBEITO | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Neurodegeneration Lab |
Ridha BARBOUCHE | Institut Pasteur de Tunis | Laboratory of transmission, control and immunobiology of infections |
Charles BAROUD | Institut Pasteur | Physical Microfluidics and Bioengineering |
Jérémie BARRAL | Institut Pasteur | Code neural dans le système auditif |
Frederic BARRAS | Institut Pasteur | Stress adaptation and metabolism in enterobacteria |
Rouzbeh BASHAR | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Department of Rabies |
Alexandra BASTARAUD | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | Hygiene Laboratory of Food and Environment |
Philippe BASTIN | Institut Pasteur | Trypanosome Cell Biology |
Brice BATHELLIER | Institut Pasteur | Auditory System Dynamics and Multisensory Processing, |
Gregory BATT | Institut Pasteur | Departement - Biologie computationnelle |
Frédéric BATTEUX | Institut Pasteur de Lille | |
Carlos BATTHYANY | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Vascular Biology and Drug Development Lab |
Sebastian BAUMGARTEN | Institut Pasteur | Biologie des ARN de Plasmodium |
Isabelle BEHAEGHEL | Sciensano | Infectious Diseases in Animals |
Amy Kristine BEI | Institut Pasteur de Dakar | |
Yasmine BELKAID | Institut Pasteur | DGA Administration et Finances |
Elbia BELKAID - ABDELATIF | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département Microbiologie et Pathologie Vétérinaires - Laboratoire de virologie vétérinaire |
Mohamed Amine BELOUFA | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département de Virologie - Laboratoire des virus Rougeole, Oreillons, Rubéole (R.O.R) |
Ali BEN CHEIKH | Institut Pasteur | |
Hicham BEN HASSINE | Pasteur Network | |
Slimane BEN MILED | Institut Pasteur de Tunis | Laboratory of bioinformatics, biomathematics and biostatistics |
Yasmine BENALI | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département Microbiologie et Pathologie Vétérinaires - Laboratoire d'Anatomie et Cytologie Pathologiques Vétérinaires |
Nabila BENAMROUCHE | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département de Bactériologie - Laboratoire des Entérobactéries et autres bactéries apparentées |
Sihem BENBETKA | Institut Pasteur de Dakar | |
Mounira BENIDIR | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département d'Immunologie - Laboratoire d’Auto-immunité |
Soumaya BENJELLOUN | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | Viral Hepatitis |
Abdelouaheb BENNANI | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | Molecular Biology |
Aïcha BENSALEM | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département de Virologie - Laboratoire des virus des hépatites |
Adele BENZAKEN | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Leonidas and Maria Deane Institute – ILMD (Fiocruz Amazônia, Manaus) |
Nicolas BERNAUD | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | |
Camille BERTHELOT | Institut Pasteur | Comparative functional genomics |
Xavier BERTHET | Institut Pasteur de Dakar | |
Alison BESSE | INRS-Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie | |
David BIKARD | Institut Pasteur | Synthetic Biology |
Maina BITCHURINA | Institut Pasteur in Saint Petersburg | Laboratory of Etiology and Control of Viral infections |
Alexandre BLAISE | Institut Pasteur du Cambodge | |
Antoine BOGAERTS | Institut Pasteur | Department - Philanthropy |
Mariela BOLATTI | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Cell Biology Unit |
Shahin BONAKDAR | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Department of Cell Bank |
Didier BONNEAU | Institut Pasteur de Lille | |
Saida BOUAOUNI | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Médecine préventive - Laboratoire de Biopathologie |
Ali BOUATTOUR | Institut Pasteur de Tunis | Laboratory of research in viruses, vectors and hosts: “one health” approach and technological innovations for better health |
Brahim BOUCHRIF | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | Food Microbiology |
Yap BOUM II | Institut Pasteur de Bangui | |
Aida BOURATBINE | Institut Pasteur de Tunis | Laboratory of medical parasitology, biotechnology, biomolecules |
Thomas BOURGERON | Institut Pasteur | Human Genetics and Cognitive Functions |
Hervé BOURHY | Institut Pasteur | Lyssavirus epidemiology and neuropathology |
Philippe BOUSSO | Institut Pasteur | Dynamics of Immune Responses |
Samir Nadji BOUZAHER | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département Microbiologie et Pathologie Vétérinaires - Laboratoire de virologie vétérinaire |
Salima BOUZEGHOUB | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département de Virologie - Laboratoire VIH et rétrovirus |
Amal BOUZENAD | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Médecine préventive - Laboratoire de Biologie médicale |
Hanifa BOUZIRI | Institut Pasteur de la Guyane | |
Sylvain BRISSE | Institut Pasteur | Biodiversity and Epidemiology of Bacterial Pathogens |
Roland BROSCH | Institut Pasteur | Integrated Mycobacterial Pathogenomics |
Pierre BRUHNS | Institut Pasteur | Antibodies in Therapy and Pathology |
Thibaut BRUNET | Institut Pasteur | Evolutionary cell biology and evolution of morphogenesis |
Maia BRUNSTEIN | Institut Pasteur | Hearing Institute Bioimaging Core Facility (IDA) |
Roberto BRUZZONE | University of Hong Kong -Pasteur Research Pole (HKU-PRP) | |
Carmen BUCHRIESER | Institut Pasteur | Biology of Intracellular Bacteria |
Philippe BUCHY | Institut Pasteur du Laos | Vaccine Preventable Diseases Unit |
Isabelle BUCKLE | Institut Pasteur | Department - Research, Applications and Industrial Relations |
Alejandro BUSCHIAZZO | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Molecular and Structural Microbiology |
Paulo BUSS | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Global Health Center - CRIS (Rio de Janeiro) |
Julie CAGLIERO | Institut Pasteur | |
Isabelle CAILLEAU | Institut Pasteur | |
Alexandre CALAZANS | Institut Pasteur | |
Elodie CALVEZ | Institut Pasteur de la Guadeloupe | |
Tineke CANTAERT | Institut Pasteur du Cambodge | |
Victoria CARCAUZON | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | |
Romuald CARINCI | Institut Pasteur | |
Gwenaelle CARN | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | |
Daniel CARRASCO NAVARRO | Hellenic Pasteur Institute | |
Cecilia CASTILLO | Pasteur Network | |
Annie CASTONGUAY | INRS-Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie | Services d'analyse protéomique de spectrométrie de masse |
Simon CAUCHEMEZ | Institut Pasteur | Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases |
Alfonso CAYOTA | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Functional Genomics Laboratory |
Germano CECERE | Institut Pasteur | Mechanisms of epigenetic inheritance |
Oscar CEVILLE MANTOVANI | Pasteur Network | |
Youngjoo CHA | Institut Pasteur Korea | Biobank |
Mohamed CHABLAOUI | Institut Pasteur | |
Jean-François CHAMBON | Institut Pasteur | Department - Communications |
Julia CHAMOT-ROOKE | Institut Pasteur | Mass Spectrometry for Biology (UTechS MSBio) |
Pierre CHARNEAU | Institut Pasteur | Virologie moléculaire et vaccinologie |
David CHATENET | INRS-Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie | |
Sokleaph CHENG | Institut Pasteur du Cambodge | |
Rayan CHIKHI | Institut Pasteur | Algorithmes pour les séquences biologiques - Bioinformatics |
Chetan CHITNIS | Institut Pasteur | Malaria Parasite Biology and Vaccines |
Inhee CHOI | Institut Pasteur Korea | Medicinal Chemistry |
Fabrice CHRETIEN | Institut Pasteur | Neuropathologie expérimentale |
Dominique CLERMONT | Institut Pasteur | Biobank - "Collection de l'Institut Pasteur" |
Emmanuelle CLERVIL | Institut Pasteur de la Guyane | |
Julien COLOT | Institut Pasteur de Nouvelle-Calédonie | Experimental Bacteriology |
Marcelo COMINI | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Redox Biology of Trypanosomes Lab |
Liliane CONTEVILLE | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | |
Jean-Yves COPPEE | Institut Pasteur | Plateforme 2 - Transcriptome et Epigénome |
Agustín CORREA | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Recombinant Proteins Unit |
Rodrigo CORREA OLIVEIRA | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | |
Pierre-Jean CORRINGER | Institut Pasteur | Récepteurs-canaux |
Zanakoungo Ibrahima COULIBALY | Institut Pasteur | |
Michel COURCELLES | INRS-Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie | Centre de documentation |
Tânia CREMONINI DE ARAÚJO-JORGE | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Oswaldo Cruz Institute - IOC (Rio de Janeiro) |
Martina CRISPO | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Laboratory Animal Biotechnology Unit |
Tania CRUCITTI | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | Experimental Bacteriology Unit |
Ana CUMANO (SIMOES DE BIVAR) | Institut Pasteur | Lymphocytes and Immunity |
Anamaria D'ANDREA CORBO | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health - EPSJV (Rio de Janeiro) |
Christophe D'ENFERT | Institut Pasteur | Scientific Direction |
Hellen DAGHERO | Institut Pasteur | |
Fabiana DAMASIO | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Fiocruz Brasília (Brasília) |
Svetla DANOVA | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Laboratory of Microbial Genetics |
Khanh DAO | Institut Pasteur in Nha Trang | Center for Food Safety |
Nathalie DE PARSEVAL | Institut Pasteur | General Scientific Secretariat |
Hilde DE REUSE | Institut Pasteur | Helicobacter Pathogenesis |
Laurent DEBARBIEUX | Institut Pasteur | Bactériophage, bactérie, hôte |
Aleksandra DECZKOWSKA | Institut Pasteur | Interactions cerveau-immunité |
Vladimir DEDKOV | Institut Pasteur in Saint Petersburg | |
Anne DEJEAN | Institut Pasteur | Nuclear Organization and Oncogenesis |
Marc DELARUE | Institut Pasteur | Architecture and Dynamics of Biological Macromolecules |
Anne Caroline DELETOILLE | Institut Pasteur | Data Management Core Facility |
Vincent DELORME | Institut Pasteur Korea | Tuberculosis Research Laboratory |
Caroline DEMANGEL | Institut Pasteur | Immunobiology of Infection |
Caroline DEMERET | Institut Pasteur | Interactomics, Rna And Immunity Laboratory |
Nathalie DENOYES | Institut Pasteur | Department - Technical Resources and Environment |
Benoit DEPREZ | Institut Pasteur de Lille | Drugs and Molecules for acting on living systems, UMR1177, Lille University , Inserm , Institut Pasteur de Lille |
Ludovic DERIANO | Institut Pasteur | Genome integrity, Immunity and Cancer |
Fawzi DERRAR | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | |
Antoine DES GRAVIERS | Institut Pasteur de la Guadeloupe | |
Ambert DESCOTEAUX | INRS-Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie | Laboratoire de microscopie confocale et de cytométrie en flux |
Vijay DHANASEKARAN | University of Hong Kong -Pasteur Research Pole (HKU-PRP) | Computational Biology Laboratory |
Francesca DI NUNZIO | Institut Pasteur | Advanced Molecular Virology |
James DI SANTO | Institut Pasteur | Innate Immunity |
Fatoumata DIALLO | Institut Pasteur | |
Mawlouth DIALLO | Institut Pasteur de Dakar | |
Marlon DIAS MARIANO DOS SANTOS | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | |
Constentin DIEME | Institut Pasteur de Guinée | |
Katelijne DIERICK | Sciensano | Infectious Diseases in Humans |
David DIGREGORIO | Institut Pasteur | Synapse and Circuit Dynamics |
Marie-Agnès DILLIES | Institut Pasteur | Hub Bioinformatique et Biostatistique |
Anna DOLGOVA | Institut Pasteur in Saint Petersburg | Group of Molecular Genetics of Pathogenic Microorganisms |
Delaram DOROUD | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Research and Production Complex |
Valdiléa DOS SANTOS | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | National Institute of Infectolgy Evandro Chagas , INI (Rio de Janeiro) |
Pedro Miguel DOS SANTOS NETO | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Aggeu Magalhães Institute – IAM (Fiocruz Pernambuco, Recife) |
Mireille DOSO | Institut Pasteur de Côte d'Ivoire | |
Joël DOTÉ | Institut Pasteur | |
Eleni DOTSIKA | Hellenic Pasteur Institute | |
Françoise DROMER | Institut Pasteur | Molecular Mycology |
Jean DUBUISSON | Institut Pasteur de Lille | Center of infection and immunity of Lille (CIIL) , INSERM U1019 – CNRS UMR9017 – Université de Lille – CHU Lille |
Darragh DUFFY | Institut Pasteur | Translational Immunology |
Didier DULON | Institut Pasteur | Clinical and translational exploration of sensorineural hearing loss |
Guillaume DUMENIL | Institut Pasteur | UTECHS UBI Technology and Structural Biolmagerie service |
Nguyen Thi Thuy DUONG | National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) | Department for Training and Research Management |
Myrielle DUPONT-ROUZEYROL | Institut Pasteur de Nouvelle-Calédonie | Dengue and Arboviruses |
Bruno DUPUY | Institut Pasteur | Pathogenèse des bactéries anaérobies |
Rosario DURAN | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | |
Rosario DURÁN | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Analytical Biochemistry and Proteomics Unit |
Edison Luiz DURIGON | Institut Pasteur de São Paulo | Virologie clinique et moléculaire |
Isabelle DUSFOUR | Institut Pasteur | |
Philippe DUSSART | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | Virology Unit |
Mathilde DUSSEAUX | Institut Pasteur | Human Disease Models core facility |
Gérard EBERL | Institut Pasteur | Microenvironment and Immunity |
Arnaud ECHARD | Institut Pasteur | Membrane Traffic and Cell Division |
Aziz EL AMRAOUI | Institut Pasteur | Progressive Sensory Disorders, Pathophysiology and Therapy |
Mohamed EL AZHARI | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | Medical Bacteriology |
Meriem EL KHYATTI | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | OncoVirology |
My Driss EL MESSAOUDI | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | Mycobacterium |
Isabelle Leah Louise ELLIS | Institut Pasteur | |
Isabel ELOI MARCELINO | Institut Pasteur de Tunis | |
Marc ELOIT | Institut Pasteur | Pathogen discovery |
Iuliana ENE | Institut Pasteur | Fungal heterogeneity |
Rumyana ENEVA | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Laboratory of Microbial Biochemistry |
Patrick ENGLAND | Institut Pasteur | Molecular Biophysics |
Jost ENNINGA | Institut Pasteur | Dynamics of Host-Pathogen Interactions |
Vincent ENOUF | Institut Pasteur | Plateforme de microbiologie mutualisée (P2M) |
Elena ESAULENKO | Institut Pasteur in Saint Petersburg | Laboratory of Viral Hepatitis |
Carlos ESCANDE | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Metabolic Diseases and Aging Lab |
Ali ESLAMIFAR | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Department of Clinical Research |
Sandrine ETIENNE-MANNEVILLE | Institut Pasteur | Cell Polarity, Migration and Cancer |
Sara EYANGOH | Centre Pasteur du Cameroun | |
Anna-Bella FAILLOUX-MANUELLAN | Institut Pasteur | Arboviruses and Insect Vectors |
Gamou FALL | Institut Pasteur de Dakar | |
Arnaud FIRON | Institut Pasteur | |
Erica FONSECA | Institut Pasteur | |
Arnaud FONTANET | Institut Pasteur | Epidemiology of Emerging Diseases |
Fatemeh FOTUHI | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Department of Influenza & Respiratory Viruses |
Stéphane FOURNIER | Institut Pasteur | Department - Information Systems |
Eirini FRAGKIADAKI | Hellenic Pasteur Institute | |
Stenio FRAGOSO | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Carlos Chagas Institute - ICC (Fiocruz Paraná, Curitiba) |
María Eugenia FRANCIA | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Apicomplexan Biology G4 Lab |
Luigi FRATI | Institut Pasteur in Italy - Cenci Bolognetti Foundation | |
Olga FREILIKHMAN | Institut Pasteur in Saint Petersburg | Laboratory of Molecular Biological Technologies |
Philippe FROGUEL | Institut Pasteur de Lille | Metabolic functional (epi)genomics and molecular mechanisms involved in type 2 diabetes and related diseases, U1283/CNRS UMR 8199 - Institut Pasteur de Lille - Lille University |
Carlos GADELHA | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Center for Strategic Studies - CEE (Rio de Janeiro) |
Teca GALVÃO | Institut Pasteur | |
Margot GARCIA - VAN SMÈVOORDE | Institut Pasteur de la Guadeloupe | |
Noellie GAY | Institut Pasteur de Nouvelle-Calédonie | Infectious Diseases Epidemiology |
Milen GEORGIEV | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Laboratory of Metabolomics |
Vasil GEORGIEV | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Laboratory of Cellular Biosystems |
Antoine GESSAIN | Institut Pasteur | Oncogenic Virus Epidemiology and Pathophysiology |
Jean-Marc GHIGO | Institut Pasteur | Genetics of Biofilms |
Youssef GHORBAL | Institut Pasteur | HPC Core Facility (High Performance Computing) |
Tamara GILES-VERNICK | Institut Pasteur | Anthropology and Ecology of Disease Emergence |
Romain GIROD | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | Entomology Unit |
Eugene GLADYSHEV | Institut Pasteur | Epigénomique fongique |
Philippe GLASER | Institut Pasteur | Ecology and Evolution of Antibiotics Resistance |
Lucy GLOVER | Institut Pasteur | Trypanosomes Molecular Biology |
Mayssa GNAIEN | Institut Pasteur | |
Cyrille GOARANT | Institut Pasteur de Nouvelle-Calédonie | Leptospirosis |
Samy GOBAA | Institut Pasteur | Microfluidics and Biomaterials Platform |
Anne GOFFARD | Institut Pasteur de Lille | Clinical Microbiology Unit, Institut Pasteur de Lille |
Elisa GOMEZ PERDIGUERO | Institut Pasteur | Macrophages et Cellules Endothéliales |
Ivo GOMPERTS BONECA | Institut Pasteur | Biology and Genetics of Bacterial Cell Wall |
Ionela GOUANDJIKA | Institut Pasteur de Bangui | |
Sandrine GOUGUET | Pasteur Network | Communications Unit |
Regis GRAILHE | Institut Pasteur Korea | Animal Facility & Lab Support |
Rebecca GRAIS | Pasteur Network | |
Solène GRAYO | Institut Pasteur de Guinée | Group |
Thomas GREGOR | Institut Pasteur | Physique des fonctions biologiques |
Simonetta GRIBALDO | Institut Pasteur | Biologie Evolutive de la Cellule Microbienne |
Jérôme GROS | Institut Pasteur | Dynamic Regulation of Morphogenesis |
Peter GROZDANOV | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Laboratory Center Pasteur |
Fatma GUERFALI | Institut Pasteur de Tunis | |
Claude GUERTIN | INRS-Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie | |
Muriel GUGGER-LE BRUN | Institut Pasteur | Collection of Cyanobacteria |
Joseba Inaki GUIJARRO ARRILLAGA | Institut Pasteur | Biological NMR and HDX-MS Technological Platform |
Jislaine GUILHERMINO | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Fiocruz Mato Grosso do Sul (Campo Grande) |
Didier GUILLEMOT | Institut Pasteur | Epidemiology and modelling of bacterial escape to antimicrobials |
Ikram GUIZANI | Institut Pasteur de Tunis | Laboratory of molecular epidemiology and experimental pathology, applied to infectious diseases |
Hoang Thi Thu HA | National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) | Department of Bacteriology |
Azimdine HABIB | Institut Pasteur | |
Aissam HACHID | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département de Virologie - Laboratoire des arbovirus et virus émergeants |
Faten HADDAD | Institut Pasteur | |
Fatma HAIDARA | Pasteur Network | |
Florent HAISS | Institut Pasteur | Neural circuit dynamics and decision making |
Salsabil HAMDI | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | |
Irina HAMITOVA | Institut Pasteur in Saint Petersburg | Central Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory |
Mélanie HAMON | Institut Pasteur | Chromatin and Infection |
Zohra HAMROUNE | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département Parasitologie - Laboratoire de mycologie médicale |
Emna HANNACHI | Institut Pasteur | |
Ahmed HAOUZ | Institut Pasteur | Plateforme Cristallographie |
Samira HARCHI | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Médecine préventive - Centre de vaccination |
Juliette HARDY | Pasteur Network | Communications Unit |
Mireille HARIMALALA | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | |
Zoubir HARRAT | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département Parasitologie - Laboratoire d'Eco-épidémiologie Parasitaire et Génétique des Populations |
Milena HASAN | Institut Pasteur | Cytometry and Biomarkers (UTechS CB) |
K Gildas Boris HEDIBLE | Institut Pasteur | |
Philippe HERBOMEL | Institut Pasteur | Macrophages et Développement de l'Immunité |
Odile HERMABESSIERE | Institut Pasteur | Department - Human Resources |
Philippe HERMAN | Sciensano | Expertise and Service Provision |
Fernanda HERMES | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | |
Marcelo HILL | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Immunoregulation and inflamation Lab |
Quoc HO | Institut Pasteur in Nha Trang | Environmental and Occupational health (lab) |
Thanh HOANG | Institut Pasteur in Nha Trang | Infectious Diseases Control & Prevention |
Bruno HOEN | Institut Pasteur | Department - Medical Research |
Marcel HOLLENSTEIN | Institut Pasteur | Bioorganic chemistry of nucleic acids |
Sofia HORJALES | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | |
François HUETZ | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | |
Do Thai HUNG | Institut Pasteur in Nha Trang | |
Raquel HURTADO ORTIZ | Institut Pasteur | National Collection of Cultures of Microorganisms |
Malika IFTICENE | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département de Bactériologie - Laboratoire de la Tuberculose, des Mycobactéries et de la surveillance de la résistance aux antituberculeux |
Gregorio IRAOLA | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Microbial Genomics G4 Lab |
Judickaelle IRINANTENAINA | Institut Pasteur | |
David ITIER | Institut Pasteur | European Affairs Representation |
Nina IVANOVSKA | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Laboratory of Infectious Immunology And Inflammation |
Moritoshi IWAGAMI | Institut Pasteur du Laos | Parasitology Unit |
Alain JACQUIER | Institut Pasteur | Macromolecular Interaction Genetics |
Ronan JAMBOU | CERMES Niger | Unité d'Epidémiologie, Santé Environnement Climat (UESEC) |
Guilhem JANBON | Institut Pasteur | RNA Biology of Fungal Pathogens - Microbiology |
Soojin JANG | Institut Pasteur Korea | Antibacterial Resistance Laboratory |
Sung Key JANG | Institut Pasteur Korea | |
Jean JAUBERT | Institut Pasteur | Central Animal Facility Histopathology |
Nathalie JOLLY | Institut Pasteur | Pôle intégré de recherche clinique |
Marc JOUAN | Institut Pasteur de Nouvelle-Calédonie | |
Christophe JOUBERT | Institut Pasteur | (C2RA) Centre Ressources et Recherches Animales |
Nolwenn JOUVENET | Institut Pasteur | Virus sensing and signaling |
Lyudmila KABAIVANOVA | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Department Biotechnology |
Maria KABBAGE | Institut Pasteur | |
Lidiya KAFTYREVA | Institut Pasteur in Saint Petersburg | Laboratory of Enteric Infections |
Margarita KAMBOUROVA | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Laboratory of Extremophilic Microorganisms |
Mirdad KAZANJI | Centre Pasteur du Cameroun | |
Fatemeh KAZEMI-LOMEDASHT | Institut Pasteur de Tunis | |
Monireh KAZEMIMANESH | Institut Pasteur | |
Salim KEZZAL | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département Contrôle des Produits biologiques - Laboratoires de contrôle des produits biologiques |
Vahid KHALAJ | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Department of Medical Biotechnology |
Shohreh KHATAMI | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Department of Biochemistry |
Nimol KHIM | Institut Pasteur du Cambodge | |
Euiho KIM | Institut Pasteur Korea | Viral Immunology Laboratory |
Hyunjae KIM | Pasteur Network | |
Seungtaek KIM | Institut Pasteur Korea | Zoonotic Virus Laboratory |
Kouadio Stéphane André KOFFI | Institut Pasteur | |
Romain KOSZUL | Institut Pasteur | Spatial regulation of genomes |
Edwige KOUAMOU | Institut Pasteur de Guinée | Medical Biology Laboratory and Vaccination center |
Fani KOUKOULI | Hellenic Pasteur Institute | |
Guy-André KPILIMBI-SAKABA | Institut Pasteur | |
Lyudmila KRAEVA | Institut Pasteur in Saint Petersburg | Laboratory of Medical Bacteriology |
Ekaterina KRUMOVA | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Department of Mycology |
Mart KRUPOVIC | Institut Pasteur | Archaeal Virology |
Vincent LACOSTE | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | |
Monique LACROIX | INRS-Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie | Laboratoire de recherche en Sciences appliquées à l'alimentation - Centre d'Irradiation Canada |
Daniel LADANT | Institut Pasteur | Biochemistry of Macromolecular Interactions |
Pierre LAFAYE | Institut Pasteur | Plateforme d'Ingénierie des anticorps |
Ayoub LAFNOUNE | Institut Pasteur Korea | |
Monique LAFON | Institut Pasteur | Viral Neuro-Immunology |
Louis LAMBRECHTS | Institut Pasteur | Interactions Virus-Insectes |
Phan Trong LAN | Institut Pasteur in Ho Chi Minh City | |
Francina LANGA VIVES | Institut Pasteur | Mouse Genetics Engineering |
Daniel LARZUL | Institut Pasteur | Service de Cartographie et Communication Scientifique |
Dimitri LAVILLETTE | Institut Pasteur Korea | |
Antonio LAVOR | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Fiocruz Ceará (Eusébio) |
Irina LAVRENTIEVA | Institut Pasteur in Saint Petersburg | Laboratory of Experimental Virology |
Anne-Sophie LE GUERN | Institut Pasteur | CNR Peste et autres yersinioses |
Aurore LEBOURG | INRS-Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie | |
Jean-Michel LECERF | Institut Pasteur de Lille | Prevention and Health Education Centre, Institut Pasteur de Lille |
Marc LECUIT | Institut Pasteur | Biology of Infection / CNR Listeria |
Emmanuel LEMICHEZ | Institut Pasteur | Bacterial Toxins |
Meryem LEMRANI | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | Parasitology |
Christian LEONARD | Sciensano | |
Romain LEVAYER | Institut Pasteur | Cell death and epithelial homeostasis |
Han LI | Institut Pasteur | Cellular plasticity in age-related pathologies |
Valentina LIBRI | Institut Pasteur | Single Cell Platform |
Marta LINDNER | Institut Pasteur | Hearing Institute Animal and Auditory Phenotyping Core Facility |
Pierre-Marie LLEDO | Institut Pasteur | Perception and Action |
Henri LOSHOUARN | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | |
Huibin LV | University of Hong Kong -Pasteur Research Pole (HKU-PRP) | |
Sowath LY | Institut Pasteur du Cambodge | |
Lyudmila LYALINA | Institut Pasteur in Saint Petersburg | Laboratory of Epidemiology of Infectious and Non-Infectious Diseases |
Fatima MAACHI | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | Helicobacter Pylori Pathogenesis |
Abderrahmane MAAROUFI | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | |
Abderrahmane MAAROUFI | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | |
Abderrazak MAAROUFI | Institut Pasteur de Tunis | Laboratory of epidemiology and microbiology veterinary |
Rodrigo MACHADO | Institut Pasteur Korea | |
Yoann MADEC | National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) | |
Reza MAHDIAN | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Department of Molecular Medicine |
Fazia MAHIOUT | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Médecine préventive - Centre antirabique |
Hoang Hong MAI | National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) | National EPI Office |
Le Thi Phuong MAI | National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) | Department for Community Health and Preventlve Medicine Network Coordination |
Laleh MAJLESSI | Institut Pasteur | TheraVectys Joint Laboratory |
Leonel MALACRIDA | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Advanced Bioimagine Unit |
Adeline MALLET | Institut Pasteur | Ultrastructural BioImaging core facility |
Jacenir MALLET | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Fiocruz Piauí (Teresina) |
Anne-Lise MAMESSIER GIRAUD | Institut Pasteur | Neural coding and engineering of human speech functions |
Giulia MANINA | Institut Pasteur | Individualité Microbienne et Infection |
Iliyan MANOYLOV | Institut Pasteur | |
Jean-Claude MANUGUERRA | Institut Pasteur | Environment and Infectious Risks / Cellule d'Intervention Biologique d'Urgence (CIBU) |
Helmi MARDASSI | Institut Pasteur de Tunis | Laboratory of molecular microbiology, vaccinology, biotechnology development |
Nadja MARKOVA | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Micobacteria |
Priscila MARQUES DE MACEDO | Institut Pasteur | |
Uwe MASKOS | Institut Pasteur | Integrative Neurobiology of Cholinergic Systems |
Pascal MASSE-NAVETTE | Institut Pasteur du Laos | Internal Audit and Control Department |
Jean-Baptiste MASSON | Institut Pasteur | Decision and Bayesian Computation |
Mariette MATONDO | Institut Pasteur | Plateforme Technologique Protéomique |
Najla MATOS | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | |
REBECCA MATSAS | Hellenic Pasteur Institute | |
Mariko MATSUI | Institut Pasteur de Nouvelle-Calédonie | Group Immunity and Inflammation |
Chiarella MATTERN | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | |
Didier MAZEL | Institut Pasteur | Bacterial Genome Plasticity -Evolutive Bioinformatics |
Christelle MAZUET | Institut Pasteur | CNR Bactéries anaérobies et botulisme |
Adija MBOUANGORO | Institut Pasteur de la Guyane | |
Kenneth MC ELREAVEY | Institut Pasteur | Human Developmental Genetics |
Fethi MECABIH | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département d'Immunologie - Laboratoire d’Immunogénétique et Transplantation |
Jansen MEDEIROS | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Fiocruz Rondônia (Porto Velho) |
Sigolène MEILHAC | Institut Pasteur | Heart Morphogenesis |
Antonio Flavio MEIRELLES | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | National Institute of Women, Children and Adolescents Health Fernandes Figueira , IFF (Rio de Janeiro) |
Hiba MEJRI | Institut Pasteur in Iran | |
Hamid MELOULI | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département de Virologie - Laboratoire des virus oncogènes |
Didier MENARD | Institut Pasteur | Génétique du Paludisme et Résistance |
Jorge MENDONÇA | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Drug Technology Institute , Farmanguinhos (Rio de Janeiro) |
Marco MENEZES | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health - ENSP (Rio de Janeiro) |
Samia MENIF | Institut Pasteur de Tunis | Laboratory of molecular and cellular hematology |
Asmah Saida MERAD | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département de Bactériologie - Laboratoire des Bactéries Anaérobies |
Nicolas MICHALSKI | Institut Pasteur | Plasticity of Central Auditory Circuits |
Milka MILEVA | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Laboratory of Biological Response Modifiers And Pathogenesis of Viral Infections |
Christoph MILEWSKI | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Science and Technology in Biomodels Institute - ICTB (Rio de Janeiro), former Laboratory Animals Breeding Center (CECAL) |
Paola MINOPRIO | Institut Pasteur de São Paulo | Processus Infectieux à Trypanosomatidés |
Chris MOK | University of Hong Kong -Pasteur Research Pole (HKU-PRP) | Virology Laboratory 2 |
Igor MOKROUSOV | Institut Pasteur in Saint Petersburg | Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology and Evolutionary Genetics |
Sonia Soledad MONDINO | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | |
Marc MONOT | Institut Pasteur | Biomics |
Xavier MONTAGUTELLI | Institut Pasteur | Mouse Genetics |
Gonzalo MORATORIO | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Virus Experimental Evolution G4 Lab |
Mario MOREIRA | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | |
Carlos MOREL | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Center for Technological Development in Health - CDTS (Rio de Janeiro) |
Pilar MORENO | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Center for Innovation and Epidemiological surveillance |
Ehsan MOSTAFAVI | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics |
Fawzia MOUFFOK | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département de Bactériologie - Laboratoire de Bactériologie des aliments, des eaux et de l’environnement |
Hugo MOUQUET | Institut Pasteur | Humoral Immunology |
Sandrine MOUSSA | Institut Pasteur de Bangui | |
Laurence MULARD | Institut Pasteur | Chemistry of Biomolecules |
Michaela MULLER-TRUTWIN | Institut Pasteur | Host determinants of protection against AIDS |
Rodrigo MURTINHO | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Scientific and Technological Communication and Information in Health Institute – ICICT (Rio de Janeiro) |
Nadia NAFFAKH | Institut Pasteur | RNA Biology of Influenza Virus |
Hristo NAJDENSKI | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Department of Infectious Microbiology |
Helder NAKAYA | Institut Pasteur de São Paulo | Biologie Integrative |
Emmanuel NAKOUNE | Institut Pasteur de Bangui | |
Pablo NAVARRO GIL | Institut Pasteur | Epigenomics, Proliferation and the Identity of Cells |
Hugo NAYA | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Bioinformatics Unit |
Fabrice NESSLANY | Institut Pasteur de Lille | Laboratory of genetic toxicology, Institut Pasteur de Lille |
Ngu Duy NGHIA | National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) | Department of Control Infectious diseases |
Tam NGO | Institut Pasteur in Nha Trang | Center for Lab QA and Calibration |
Dong NGUYEN | Institut Pasteur in Nha Trang | Vector control and Border Quanrantine |
Thuy Dieu NGUYEN | Institut Pasteur | |
Trieu NGUYEN | Institut Pasteur in Nha Trang | Microbiology and Immunology (lab) |
Vu Trung NGUYEN | Institut Pasteur in Ho Chi Minh City | |
Maktar NIANG | Institut Pasteur de Dakar | |
Cecilia NIEVES | INRS-Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie | |
Ivanka NIKOLOVA | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Department of Virology |
Michael NILGES | Institut Pasteur | Department - Technology and Scientific Programs |
Richard NJOUOM | Centre Pasteur du Cameroun | |
Sandrine NKOUM KYANE | Pasteur Network | |
Joohwan NO | Institut Pasteur Korea | Host-Parasite Research Laboratory |
Dariush NOROUZIAN SHAMASSEBI | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Department of Nanobiotechnology |
Jalal NOURLIL | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | Virology |
Sophie NOVAULT | Institut Pasteur | Cytometry Platform |
Ariane NZOUANKEU NGANTCHA | Centre Pasteur du Cameroun | |
Olivia O'CONNOR | Institut Pasteur | |
Danuta OFICJALSKA | Institut Pasteur | Plateforme d'Animalerie et Phénotypage Auditif de l'IDA |
Akbar OGHALAIE | Institut Pasteur de Tunis | |
Franck Alexandre OKOMA | Pasteur Network | |
Sergio OLIVA | Institut Pasteur de São Paulo | Bureau de Mathémathiques appliquées |
Lícia OLIVEIRA | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Fiocruz África (Maputo, Moçambique) |
Lourdes OLIVEIRA | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | |
Jean-Christophe OLIVO-MARIN | Institut Pasteur | Quantitative Image Analysis - Proteins |
Pablo OPPEZZO | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia Lab |
Eduardo OSINAGA | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Tumor Immunology and Glycobiology Lab |
Yulia OSTANKOVA | Institut Pasteur in Saint Petersburg | Laboratory of HIV Immunology and Virology |
Souria OUAHRANI | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Médecine préventive - Centre de prélèvements |
Samira OUCCHI | Institut Pasteur de Tunis | |
Naoual OUKKACH | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | Venoms and Toxins |
Naoual OUKKACHE | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | |
Sani OUSMANE | CERMES Niger | |
Sergio PANTANO | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Biomolecular Simulations Laboratory |
Elpida Elsa PAPADIMITRIOU | Institut Pasteur de Lille | |
Anastas PASHOV | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Department of Immunology - Experimental Immunotherapy |
François PATTOU | Institut Pasteur de Lille | Translational research on diabetes, Lille University – Lille University Hospital – Inserm U1190 – Institut Pasteur de Lille |
Tsvetelina PAUNOVA-KRASTEVA | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Laboratory of Cellular Microbiology |
Luciana PEDUTO | Institut Pasteur | Stroma, Inflammation and tissue repair |
Sandra PELLEGRINI | Institut Pasteur | Cytokine Signaling |
Hugo PELUFFO | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Neuroinflammation and Gene Therapy Lab |
Yiksing PENG | Institut Pasteur | |
Mallory PERRIN-WOLFF | Institut Pasteur | Service de la Programmation et des Actions Incitatives Scientifique |
Françoise PERRIOLAT | Institut Pasteur | Department - Financial Affairs |
Christine PETIT | Institut Pasteur | Basic hearing mechanisms and precision medicine (Genetics and Physiology of Hearing) |
Stéphane PETRES | Institut Pasteur | Production and Purification of Recombinant Proteins |
Penka PETROVA | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Department of General Microbiology |
Christophe PEYREFITTE | Institut Pasteur de la Guyane | |
Armelle PHALIPON | Institut Pasteur | Innovation : vaccins |
Quang D. PHAM | Institut Pasteur in Ho Chi Minh City | |
Danh PHAN | Institut Pasteur in Nha Trang | Non-communicable diseases Control & Prevention |
Tien PHAN | Institut Pasteur in Nha Trang | Medical Service Centrer |
Tran Vu PHONG | National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) | Department of Medical Entomology and Zoonoses |
Hoang Vu Mai PHUONG | National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) | Department of Virology |
Mathieu PICARDEAU | Institut Pasteur | Biology of Spirochetes |
Marcos José PINHEIRO | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Oswaldo Cruz House - COC (Rio de Janeiro) |
Paola PINO UNTI | Pasteur Network | Communications Unit |
Claude PIRMEZ | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | |
Javier PIZARRO-CERDA | Institut Pasteur | Yersinia |
Sylvie POCHET | Institut Pasteur | Chimie et biocatalyse |
Nicolas POCQUET | Institut Pasteur de Nouvelle-Calédonie | Medical entomology |
Morgane POL | Institut Pasteur de Nouvelle-Calédonie | |
Leo POON | University of Hong Kong -Pasteur Research Pole (HKU-PRP) | Virology Laboratory 1 |
Virginie PORTELETTE | Institut Pasteur | Center for technological resources and research (PAD - C2RT C2RA) |
Otto PRITSCH | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Immunovirology Lab |
Marie-Laure QUILICI | Institut Pasteur | CNR Vibrions et choléra |
Lluis QUINTANA-MURCI | Institut Pasteur | Human Evolutionary Genetics |
Jessica QUINTIN | Institut Pasteur | Immunologie des infections fongiques |
Fouzia RADOUANI | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | Chlamydiae-Mycoplasma |
Sima RAFATI SEYEDI YAZDI | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Department of Immunotherapy & Leishmania Vaccine Research |
Ravo Niaina RAKOTOBE HARIMANANA | Institut Pasteur de Lille | |
Fanjasoa RAKOTOMANANA | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | |
Niaina RAKOTOSAMIMANANA | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | Mycobacteria Unit |
Marie-Anne RAMEIX WELTI | Institut Pasteur | Dept. - Virology // CNR Virus des infections respiratoires / Viral Respiratory infectious |
Ravoniana RAMIANDRASOA | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | International Vaccination Centre, Rabies Treatment Centre |
Blandine RAMMAERT | Institut Pasteur du Laos | Infectiology & Public Health Unit |
Paulo RANAIVOMANANA | Institut Pasteur | |
Rindra Vatosoa RANDREMANANA | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | Epidemiology Unit |
Tsiry Hasina RANDRIAMBOLAMANANTSOA | Institut Pasteur | |
Anjasoa RANDRIANARIJAONA | Institut Pasteur | |
Milijaona RANDRIANARIVELOJOSIA | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | Malaria Unit |
Frédérique RANDRIANIRINA | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | |
Nicolas RASCOVAN | Institut Pasteur | Microbial paleogenomics |
Voahangy RASOLOFO | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | |
Maherisoa RATSITORAHINA | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | Helminthiasis Unit |
Mehdi RAZAGHI ABYANEH | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Department of Mycology |
Félix REY | Institut Pasteur | Virologie structurale |
Jean-Marc REYNES | Institut Pasteur | CNR Hantavirus |
Miria RICCHETTI | Institut Pasteur | Molecular Mechanisms of Pathological and Physiological Ageing |
Carlos ROBELLO | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Host-Pathogen Interactions Lab |
Eduardo ROCHA PIMENTEL CACHAPUZ | Institut Pasteur | Genomes and Genetics / Microbial Evolutionary Genomics |
Stefan ROELS | Sciensano | |
Lars ROGGE | Institut Pasteur | Immunoregulation |
Mehdi ROHANI | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Department of Bacteriology |
François ROMANEIX | Institut Pasteur | DGA Administration et Finances |
Pierre ROQUES | Institut Pasteur de Guinée | Virology Unit |
Thierry ROSE | Institut Pasteur | Diagnostic Test Innovation and Development Core Facility Platform |
Brice ROTUREAU | Institut Pasteur de Guinée | Parasitology Unit |
Haoua Seyni SABO | CERMES Niger | |
Saaid SAFIEDDINE | Institut Pasteur | Technologies and Gene Therapy for Deafness |
Kurt SAILOR | Institut Pasteur | |
Anavaj SAKUNTABHAI | Institut Pasteur | Ecology and Emergence of Arthropod-borne Pathogens |
Monica SALA | Institut Pasteur | Department - Education |
Maria Carla SALEH | Institut Pasteur | Viruses and RNA Interference |
Mostafa SALEHI VAZIRI | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Department of Arboviruses & Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers |
Gustavo SALINAS | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Worm Biology Lab |
Amadou SALL | Institut Pasteur de Dakar | Scientific Direction |
Angela SANTONI | Institut Pasteur in Italy - Cenci Bolognetti Foundation | |
Mhammed SARIH | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | Vector borne diseases |
Macarena SARROCA | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Academic Coordination |
Nicolas SARUTE | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Virus-Cell Interactions (G4 Lab) |
Mohammad SAYYAH | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Department of Physiology & Pharmacology |
Jean Pierre SCHATZMANN PERON | Institut Pasteur de São Paulo | |
Artur SCHERF | Institut Pasteur | Biology of Host-Parasite Interactions |
Christoph SCHMIDT-HIEBER | Institut Pasteur | Neural circuits for spatial navigation and memory |
Olivier SCHWARTZ | Institut Pasteur | Pasteur International Bioresources Network (PIBnet) - Virus and Immunity |
François SCHWEISGUTH | Institut Pasteur | Dynamics of Developmental Decisions in Drosophila |
Benno SCHWISKOWSKI | Institut Pasteur | Computational systems biomedicine |
Daniel SCOTT | Institut Pasteur | International Affairs Department |
Florent SEBBANE | Institut Pasteur de Lille | |
Roberto SENA ROCHA | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | René Rachou Institute – IRR (Fiocruz Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte) |
Haengran SEO | Institut Pasteur Korea | Advanced BioMedical Research Lab |
Negar SEYED | Institut Pasteur | |
Dionyssios N. SGOURAS | Hellenic Pasteur Institute | Vaccines Unit |
Nader SHAHROKHI | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Department of Molecular Biology |
Jean Pierre SHATZMANN PERON | Institut Pasteur de São Paulo | G4 : Neuroimmunologie |
Matthieu SHOENHALS | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | Infectious Diseases Immunology Unit |
Spencer SHORTE | Institut Pasteur | UTECHS PBI Technologie et service Biolmagerie Photonique |
David SHUM | Institut Pasteur Korea | Screening Discovery Platform |
Seyed Davar SIADAT | Institut Pasteur in Iran | Department of Tuberculosis & Pulmonary Research |
Débora SILVA | Institut Pasteur | |
Priscila SILVA GRIJÓ FARANI | Institut Pasteur | |
Sasha SILVA-BARRIOS | University of Hong Kong -Pasteur Research Pole (HKU-PRP) | |
Lora SIMEONOVA | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Laboratory of Experimental Chemotherapy of Influenza |
Etienne SIMON-LORIERE | Institut Pasteur | Evolutionary genomics of RNA viruses |
Talyta SOARES | Institut Pasteur | |
Rahim SOROURI | Institut Pasteur in Iran | |
Afaf SOUMMANE | Institut Pasteur de la Guadeloupe | |
Luís Carlos SOUSA FERREIRA | Institut Pasteur de São Paulo | Vaccinologie |
Yan SOUZA | Institut Pasteur | |
Marilda SOUZA GONÇALVES | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Gonçalo Moniz Institute – IGM (Fiocruz Bahia, Salvador) |
Gérald SPAETH | Institut Pasteur | Molecular Parasitology and Signaling |
Pauline SPEDER | Institut Pasteur | Brain plasticity in response to the environment |
André SPIEGEL | Institut Pasteur du Cambodge | |
Najet SRAIRI | Institut Pasteur de Tunis | Laboratory of biomolecules, venoms and theranostic applications |
Navin SRENG | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | 8. Laboratory of Environment and Food Safety |
Bart STAELS | Institut Pasteur de Lille | Nuclear receptors, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, UMR1011, Lille University – Lille University Hospital – Inserm – Institut Pasteur de Lille |
Agathe SUBTIL-SANDS | Institut Pasteur | Cellular biology of microbial infection |
Alena SVARVAL | Institut Pasteur in Saint Petersburg | Laboratory of Identification of Pathogens |
Paul Alain TAGNOUOKAM NGOUPO | Institut Pasteur | |
Muhamed-Kheir TAHA | Institut Pasteur | Invasive Bacterial Infections |
Shahragim TAJBAKHSH | Institut Pasteur | Stem Cells and Development |
Hassiba TALI MAAMAR | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département de Bactériologie - Laboratoire de Bactériologie médicale et surveillance de la résistance aux antibiotiques |
Frédéric TANGY | Institut Pasteur | Innovation : vaccins |
Serges TCHATCHOUANG | Institut Pasteur | |
Andrey TCHORBANOV | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Department of Immunology |
Phoutmany THAMMAVONG | Institut Pasteur | |
Pham Hong THANG | National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) | Department of HIV/AIDS |
Nguyen Thi Thi THO | National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) | Department of Non-Communicable diseases |
Nguyen Thanh THUY | National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) | Department of Biosafety and Quality Asurance |
Mohammed TIMINOUNI | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | Molecular Bacteriology |
Jean-Yves TINEVEZ | Institut Pasteur | Image Analysis Hub |
Nikolay TOKAREVICH | Institut Pasteur in Saint Petersburg | Laboratory of Zooantroponozes |
Ramiro TOMASINA | Institut Pasteur de Lille | |
Odette TOMESCU-HATTO | Institut Pasteur | Department - International Affairs |
Noël TORDO | Institut Pasteur de Guinée | |
Roberto TORO OLMEDO | Institut Pasteur | Applied and Theoretical Neuroanatomy |
Areg TOTOLIAN | Institut Pasteur in Saint Petersburg | Laboratory of Molecular Immunology |
Eliette TOUATI | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | |
Nourchéne TOUKABRI | Institut Pasteur | |
Patrick TRIEU-CUOT | Institut Pasteur | Department - Scientific Careers and Assessment |
Thuy TRINH | Institut Pasteur in Nha Trang | Center for Training, Research Management and International Cooperation |
Zvezdomira TSVETANOVA | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Laboratory of Ecology of Pathogenic Bacteria |
Hein Min TUN | University of Hong Kong -Pasteur Research Pole (HKU-PRP) | Gut Microbiome in Health and Diseases Laboratory |
Marie-Noelle UNGEHEUER | Institut Pasteur | Biobanking (ICAREB) |
Samuel VALCKE | Institut Pasteur | Department - Legal Affairs |
Sophie VALKENBURG | University of Hong Kong -Pasteur Research Pole (HKU-PRP) | Immunology Laboratory |
Sylvie VAN DER WERF | Institut Pasteur | Departement - Virologie // Molecular Genetics of RNA Viruses |
Wesley VAN DESSEL | Sciensano | |
Joris VAN LOCO | Sciensano | Chemical and Physical Health risks |
Herman VAN OYEN | Sciensano | Epidemiology and Human Health |
Isabelle VAN SEUNINGEN | Institut Pasteur de Lille | Heterogeneity, Plasticity and Resistance to cancer therapies, UMR9020 CNRS-U1277 Inserm, Lille University , Lille University Hospital - Institut Pasteur de Lille , CLCC Lille , COL |
Renaud VATRINET | Pasteur Network | |
Anubis VEGA RUA | Institut Pasteur de la Guadeloupe | |
Vyacheslav VERBOV | Institut Pasteur in Saint Petersburg | Laboratory of Biopreparations |
Kenneth VERNICK | Institut Pasteur | Genetics and Genomics of Insect Vectors |
Frédéric VEYRIER | INRS-Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie | Microscopie électronique |
Michèle VIALETTE | Institut Pasteur de Lille | BSL3 Laboratory, Institut Pasteur de Lille |
Kathleen VICTOIR | Pasteur Network | |
Marco VIGNUZZI | Institut Pasteur | Viral Populations and Pathogenesis |
Neli VILHELMOVA | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Laboratory of DNA Viruses And Oncolytic Viruses |
Daniel VILLELA | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Program of Scientific Computing - PROCC (Rio de Janeiro) |
Niels VOLKMANN | Institut Pasteur | Structural Image Analysis |
Khamsing VONGPHAYLOTH | Institut Pasteur du Laos | Entomology Unit |
Matthijn VOS | Institut Pasteur | Nanoimaging Technological Platform |
Timothy WAI | Institut Pasteur | Mitochondrial biology |
Lahcen WAKRIM | Institut Pasteur du Maroc | Immunovirology |
Robert WEIL | Institut Pasteur | Signalisation et Pathogénèse |
Francois-Xavier WEILL | Institut Pasteur | CNR Escherichia coli, Shigella et Salmonella |
Michael WHITE | Institut Pasteur | Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Analytics |
Marc WINDISCH | Institut Pasteur Korea | Applied Molecular Virology Laboratory |
Helisa WIPPEL | Institut Pasteur | |
Benoit WITKOWSKI | Institut Pasteur de Madagascar | Genetic and Biology of Plasmodium Unit |
Thomas WOLLERT | Institut Pasteur | Membrane Biochemistry and Transport |
Gary WONG | Institut Pasteur du Laos | Virology Unit |
Nesrine ZAABAT | Institut Pasteur d'Algérie | Département d'Immunologie - Laboratoire d’Immunologie cellulaire |
Maya ZAHARIEVA | Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology | Laboratory of Cytotoxicity And Signal Transduction |
Halima ZAMANKA NAROUA | Institut Pasteur | |
Leticia ZARANTONELLI | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | Pasteur+INIA Joint Unit |
Olga ZARUCHEINOVA | Institut Pasteur in Saint Petersburg | Laboratory of ImmunoChemistry Technologies |
Ruoyu ZHOU | Institut Pasteur de Dakar | |
Christophe ZIMMER | Institut Pasteur | Imaging and Modeling Departement |
Codjo Mahugnon Boris-Enock ZINSOU | Institut Pasteur | |
Voula ZISIMOPOULOU | Hellenic Pasteur Institute | |
Mohamed ZOUARI | Institut Pasteur de Montevideo | |
Mauricio ZUMA | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) | Immunobiological Technology Institute , Biomanguinhos (Rio de Janeiro) |
Chiara ZURZOLO | Institut Pasteur | Membrane Traffic and Pathogenesis |
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